2009 showed further improvement in road traffic fatalities
New figures released reveal that the number of people who lost their lives on the roads in Mallorca fell to 48 – a reduction of 75 percent. This represents a considerable improvement on 2008, during which 72 people were killed and a step change from 2001 when 149 people died.
Of particular note was the reduced number of young people who lost their lives. Last year eight people under the age of 30 appeared in the figures, compared to 32 the year before.
Reasons given for the fatalities included drivers being distracted (33 percent), speeding (31 percent) and alcohol (11 percent). In half of the cases the deceased was not wearing a seatbelt or motorcycle helmet.
Eight out of ten accidents occurred on main roads, with the remainder taking place in urban areas. Despite the improvement in the figures road traffic authorities said they were concerned about the fact that there had been an increase in the proportion of deaths attributed to riders of motorbikes and bicycles, which showed an almost 20 percent rise.
Government spokesman Ramon Socias told the Diario de Mallorca that the reason for the improved figures was down to education and training. From March, he said, road safety will be taught in all schools.