Juanma Gómez, Cs campaign coordinator, is the one that the results show an upward trend.
Carles Cabrera, candidate for the PI, believes that they will be decisive in electing mayor.
Javier Bonet, general secretary of the PP of Palma, assures that the survey makes it clear that Palma is calling for a change after a disastrous government of failures, breaches and episodes of embarrassment and gross errors by the mayor. These good results in Palma will be the “prelude” to a PP government in the Balearic Islands.
The Vox candidate for Palma, Fulgencio Coll, believes that the survey shows that the PP and Vox will be enough to change the municipal government, but the left-wing parties still believe that there are options that this will not happen.
Francesc Ducrós (PSIB) nothing is closed because the poll is the progressive recovery of the Socialists. Luca Muñoz believes that there are options to repeat a left-wing government in Palma. Neus Truyol considers that the result of the survey is bad news.