A study by the environmental organization Oceana, which sampled about 8,000 hectares to the north, south and east of the Cabrera national park in 2007, has identified a dozen ecosystems and nearly three hundred species. This demonstrates the natural wealth and biodiversity hidden on the seabed adjacent to the national sea and land park and the need to expand their protection, the group says.
Xavier Pastor, executive director of Oceana Europe, has seen the devastating effects that the nets from trawlers have had on the area. The Minister of Environment, Miquel Angel Grimalt, who supported the presentation of the Cabrera study, has pledged to extend the protection of these marine areas as a result of the findings.
Ricardo Aguilar, the research director aboard the catamaran Oceana Ranger, used an underwater robot operated by remote control to capture images at depths of up to 600 metres. The survey revealed the areas of the greatest ecological value are found to the east of the protected area of the park.