The environment friendly Boat Show
Palma International Boat Show 2023 The President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, attended the inauguration of the Palma International Boat Show, organized by the Vice-Presidency and the Ministry of Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, and the Balearic Yacht Brokers Association ( BYBA). The fair has 271 companies and around…
15 Years without bigger ports
The Government Council has approved the General Plan for Balearic Islands Ports, which prevents the construction and expansion of new ports on the islands for the next 15 years. The plan has been prepared with the consensus of the nautical sector and the administrations involved and proposes concrete and low-impact solutions to rearrange the moorings,…
Demand for more ecological moorings
Boat owners keen to prevent the destruction of sea meadows The number of boats using ecological moorings has risen yet again. In 2008 the figure rose by 26% and the signs are that this rate of increase will carry on into 2009. According to Marine Director Tomeu Calafell the two most popular spots are at…
EU warns Balearics highly vulnerable to climate change
Report highlights ecological and economic vulnerability The Balearic islands’ economic reliance on tourism makes them especially vulnerable to global warming, a new report from the EU states. The report, ´Regions 2020’, focuses on the different regions of Europe and assesses their vulnerability. The Balearics, it warns, will suffer from an increasing incidence of violent rains,…
Underwater wealth of Cabrera marine park endangered by trawlers
A study by the environmental organization Oceana, which sampled about 8,000 hectares to the north, south and east of the Cabrera national park in 2007, has identified a dozen ecosystems and nearly three hundred species. This demonstrates the natural wealth and biodiversity hidden on the seabed adjacent to the national sea and land park and…
Marine reserve proposal
The Yacht Club at Port of Sóller has proposed the laying down of a marine conservation area to protect the biodiversity off the north coast. The proposed area would stretch from Ses Punte to the Na Mora canyon and would cover around 100 hectares. Proponents argue that it is an area in which biodiversity is…
Ecologists target Port Adriano
According to the environmentalists, the expansion work has already caused serious damage to the sea grass meadow and that unless steps are taken to protect the area, its future is in danger.
New bank of solar panels switched on at Palma industrial estate
The new solar panel park has been installed on top of a local kindergarten in the area in an attempt to not only set an example to the local business community but also enable youngsters to witness the benefits of the solar energy which will now power the school. “We want this to send a…